- People (besides my parents) telling me what to do and what I can't do.
- When people laugh too hard at something that wasn't thaaat funny.
- When I eat all the popcorn at the movies before the movie is over.
- People that spend too much time talking about themselves.
- People who think I'm stuck-up just because I speak in English.
- People that don't like Family Guy because they think the jokes are mean. I mean, hello, kind of the point?
- Hypocrites
- When people I don't know very well touch me.
- Having to repeat myself because the person didn't hear me the first time.
- Explaining jokes.
- When people wake me up. Besides my mom.
- People who expect me to be chipper and energetic in the morning. I mean, I just woke up, it's way too early to be happy.
- When people get overly competitive during games in PE. I mean, after the bell rings, it'll all be over, why stress over it?
- Pre-teens with facebook.
- Teachers that try to be funny but fail miserably.
- That crackly sound in the taxi where there's this other guy just saying words and the taxi driver doesn't answer or anything and the sound is just there.
- When I go to pay for something, and the person doesn't have change. It's okay if I have like a 50 bill or something, but last time I went to get a taxi, it cost like $8.80 and i gave the guy a $20 and he complained and asked if I had any smaller bills. I didn't and he sighed and got the money out of his pocket. ¬¬
- When people make fun of the way I dance.
- When you're talking to someone and you ask "so how are you?" and they say "oh, I'm not sure..." because they want you to ask what's wrong.
- When people ask me to guess things. I rarely guess the right thing, just say it.
- When I want to talk to someone about something serious and they change the subject.
- When I take pictures and people keep asking me to put them on the computer. It's like, alright, I will, just not immediately when I get home!
- Squeaky voices.
- People who've only watched the Harry Potter movies and say that Snape is mean.
- People who say that Twilight is better than Harry Potter.
- When I post something on twitter and people then comment about it in real person; "É, eu sei, eu vi no seu twitter!"
- pEoPlE wHo tYpE lYk DiS. or with th3 w31rd numb3r th1ng.