She said call me now baby, I'd come running
If you call me now baby, I'd come running
I'm on call to be there, one and all to be there
When I fall to pieces, no I don't know
I'll be there waiting to be there, to be there
Ai Vicky, I miss you. Why do we not live in the same city?
So it's 8 minutes after midnight and I still have to dry my hair and I haven't studied for my biology or sociology test tomorrow and I haven't even packed but I'll be walking out of school at 8:40 and then heading home to finish packing and then at 12:03 (according to the website) I'll be happily flying toward São Paulo, my beloved city, and to my favorite people in the world.
Cara, ainda não caiu a ficha que amanhã eu vou ver a Vicky e vai cair a ficha quando eu já tiver pego a mala e tiver walking out e vou ver ela e vai ser tipo KJSHDFKJSHDFKJSDHF WORLD EXPLODING FROM SO MUCH AWESOMENESS.
I should go sleep now.
Okay, so I think any of you with Tumblr or just anyone with spare time should check out this tumblr, he's my favorite, I like everything he posts and his URL is from the Bright Eyes' song "Lua", which is also insanely lovely. He's also friends with Sarah from loveyourchaos and the girl from likeneelyohara, which I think is cool, considering that all three of them are pretty famous on Tumblr.
I posted this on my Tumblr and the tags for it were: 'Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis kissing? APPROVED' and 'so hot!' and someone asked me if I was straight, hahahaha. I love the internet.
So, I discovered Lykke Li and her songs are all really cool and I think everyone should listen to them all :] (Though this is probably like the time I discovered Tegan and Sara and went around telling people about how happy I was about finding out about them and everyone was like 'how did you just listen to Tegan and Sara now?'. ENFIM)
This one's my favorite, but check out Until We Bleed and Possibility, too.
This is getting ridiculous. I mean, I feel exhausted and things ache and I think, "hey, maybe I'll write about this in my blog" and I open the window and then I just close it again.
Maybe my friend's right, maybe I should see a therapist. It's just that I don't think it makes much sense to tell my problems to a complete stranger who is just listening because she's being paid when I can't even talk to my friends about things that bother me. And I know bottling things up is bad for you, I get that when I have self-destructive urges or when I feel like crying in the middle of class or when my chest aches.
Or maybe nothing's wrong, I'm just down because it's Sunday and I'm listening to Death Cab and I can't stop shivering and I'm homesick and although I went out with two different groups of people today and Friday, the whole time I just wanted to not be there. Maybe.
My sister and her boyfriend were watching Glee in her room with the door open and I could hear it and then a song I liked came on but the volume was too low so I put the volume up on my computer and was then frustrated when I still couldn't hear the song properly. And then I realized why. Errrrr lu is errrrr.
Still staring at me, she said, "I try not to be scared, you know. But I still ruin everything. I still fuck up."
"Okay," I told her. "It's okay." I didn't even know what she was talking about anymore. One vague notion after another.
"Don't you know who you love, Pudge? You love the girl who makes you laugh and shows you porn and drinks wine with you. You don't love the crazy, sullen bitch."
"Don't you know who you love, Pudge? You love the girl who makes you laugh and shows you porn and drinks wine with you. You don't love the crazy, sullen bitch."
And there was something to that, truth be told.
Looking for Alaska; John Green.
We felt the imprisonment of being a girl, the way it made your mind active and dreamy, and how you ended up knowing which colors went together. We knew that the girls were our twins, that we all existed in space like animals with identical skins, and that they knew everything about us thought we couldn't fathom them at all. We knew, finally, that the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them.
The Virgin Suicides; Jeffrey Eugenides
We were talking about The OC.
Victoria says: (21:40:24)
entao juju gets everything
Victoria says: (21:40:31)
e o cooper volta a morar com eles
Victoria says: (21:40:35)
na casa do caleb
Luuu (: says: (21:40:43)
hahahahhahahaha why do you call her juju?
Victoria says: (21:40:50)
pq é juju and kiki
Victoria says: (21:40:59)
Victoria says: (21:40:59)
Victoria says: (21:41:19)
Luuu (: says: (21:41:21)
hahahahahahahaha why do you think you're caleb?
Victoria says: (21:41:32)
pq i am.
I understand now.
:] linda
Homesickness is just a state of mind for me. I'm always missing someone or something. I'm always trying to get back to some imaginary somewhere. My life has been one long longing.
- Elizabeth Wurtzel
PS: I've posted this quote before but I was looking through my blog looking for a post and I found the one that had this quote and it just seemed fitting.
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