
So, I just noticed that these are sort of identical to my glasses. Okay.
Also, this is my 996's post.
I'm not supersticious, but I'm a little stitious.
Proof that personality goes a long way: eu achar o PC Siqueira muito bonito. Sério.
“I like punk rock. I like girls with weird eyes. I like drugs. I like passion. I like things that are built well. I like innocence. I like and am grateful for the blue collar worker whose existence allows artists to not have to work at menial jobs. I like killing gluttony. I like playing my cards wrong. I like various styles of music. I like making fun of musicians whom I feel plagiarize or offend music as art by exploiting their embarrassingly pathetic versions of their work. I like to write poetry. I like to ignore others’ poetry. I like vinyl. I like nature and animals. I like to be by myself. I like to feel guilty for being a white, American Male.”

- Kurt Cobain


"I wish I could just sleep until I was eighteen and skip all this crap - high school and everything - just skip it."
"Do you know who Marcel Proust is?"
"He's the guy you teach.'
"Yeah. French writer. Total loser. Never had a real job. Unrequited love affairs. Gay. Spent 20 years writing a book almost no one reads. But he's also probably the greatest writer since Shakespeare. Anyway, he, uh... he gets down to the end of his life, and he looks back and decides that all those years he suffered, Those were the best years of his life, 'cause they made him who he was. All those years he was happy? You know, total waste. Didn't learn a thing. So, if you sleep until you're 18... Ah, think of the suffering you're gonna miss. I mean high school? High school - those are your prime suffering years. You don't get better suffering than that."

On the walk home today, I came to the conclusion that 2010 has been the worst year so far.


2M3LHOR. :)


Today, I realized that this intense lack of social contact has made me awkward around people and I don't know what to talk about. Not that I particularly mind.

It's weird how me this is, haha.
Emma Stone is such a cutie.


Can this week just be over? Please?
Mari: If Mel was a human, he'd be one of those drag queens who do Marilyn Monroe impersonations.


Soo, I'm thinking of making my blog public.
I realized that each time I watch 500 Days of Summer, I like it less.
Except for the soundtrack. The soundtrack is always delightful.


Que seja infinito enquanto dure e que dure pra sempre, babe. Te amo.
lisa says: (19:56:21)
lisa says: (19:56:23)
Luuu (: says: (19:56:25)
a vicky
Victoria says: (19:56:25)
gente double burn em mim hein
Victoria says: (19:56:26)
Luuu (: says: (19:56:29)
Gian says: (19:56:33)
lisa says: (19:56:34)

I love our four-way conversations. #brazillovesclaire TAKE THREE
Sundays make me feel awkward.
"I'm looking for selfishness. Perfect selfishness. Like, say I tell you I want to eat strawberry shortcake. And you stop everything you're doing and run out and buy it for me. And you come back out of breath and get down on your knees and hold this strawberry shortcake out to me. And I say I don't want it anymore and throw it out the window. That's what I'm looking for."
"I'm not sure that has anything to do with love," I said with some amazement.
"It does," she said. "You just don't know it. There are times in a girl's life when things like that are incredibly important."
"Things like throwing strawberry shortcake out the window?"
"Exactly. And when I do it, I want the man to apologize to me. 'Now I see, Midori. What a fool I've been! I should have known that you would lose your desire for strawberry shortcake. I have all the intelligence and sensitivity of a piece of donkey shit. To make it up to you, I'll go out and buy you something else. What would you like? Chocolate mousse? Cheesecake?' "
"So then what?"
"So then I'd give him all the love he deserves for what he's done."
"Sounds crazy to me."
"Well, to me, that's what love is. Not that anyone can understand me, though." Midori gave her head a little shake against my shoulder. "For a certain kind of person, love begins from something tiny or silly. From something like that or it doesn't begin at all."

Norwegian Wood ~ Haruki Murakami

My favorite thing about rereading my favorite books is falling in love with different things each time I read it.


Harry and Hermione's friendship appreciation post.



As much as I might dislike my school and majority of the people there, the Posimusic project is pretty cool.


I wish I could be a better person for you.


"You can't just make me different and then leave," I said out loud to her. "Because I was fine before, Alaska. I was fine with just me and last words and school friends, and you can't just make me different and then go." For she had embodied the Great Perhaps - she had proved to me it was worth it to leave behind my minor life for grander maybes, and now she was gone and with her my faith in perhaps. (...) You can't just make yourself matter and then go, Alaska, because now I am irretrievably different, Alaska, and I'm sorry I let you go, yes, but you made the choice. You left me.

Looking for Alaska ~ John Green

I'm rereading this again, it's such a great book and I had forgotten how many lovely quotes there are [which is why my copy is heavily-highlighted and has silly notes etched in the corners].
I'm really bored of my hair and I'm awkward in pictures and I look tired.


Drink up baby, look at the stars
I'll kiss you again, between the bars


We All Want to Be Young (leg) from box1824 on Vimeo.

More than ever before, in order to understand the world, it is necessary to understand these youths, who are the catalyst to big changes.

This is one of the most interesting videos I've seen lately, it talks about what it is to be young and how that has changed over the years, giving special emphasis on OUR generation. It also has clips from a bunch of movies I like and from Skins. :)


The perfect words never crossed my mind because there was nothing in there, but you.



I think this was one of my favorite Glee episodes ever.


Favorite Names

  • Israel
  • Noah*
  • Daniel
  • James*
  • Gabriel
  • Dexter*
  • João Pedro
  • Alaska
  • Africa
  • Luna
  • Audrey*
  • Alexia

* I really like these names but since I live in Brasil, they would a) sound really tacky and b) people wouldn't know how to pronounce and spell them correctly.


I can't remember when was the last time anyone hugged me.
I meditate in the bath. The water needs to be very hot, so hot you can barely stand putting your foot in it. Then you lower yourself, inch by inch, till the water’s up to your neck…I never feel so much myself as when I’m in a hot bath…The longer I lay there in the clear hot water the purer I felt, and when I stepped out at last and wrapped myself in one of the big, soft, white hotel bath towels I felt pure and sweet as a new baby.

The Bell Jar ; Sylvia Plath


One of my favorite scenes ever, it still makes me tear up. Agh, best show on television.

I bought the boat tickets the day I saw that YouTube video. I knew we'd need a backup plan. The boat was actually plan C. The church was plan B. And plan A was marring her a long, long time ago. Pretty much the day I met her.



Did I make it that easy to walk right in and out of my life?

Happy Guy Fawkes day!


It's really lame how I'm such an angst-ridden teenager.
I know, I know, I know.



There's just something so beautiful about long songs.
[I actually discovered this song because Sarah, from loveyourchaos, wrote on her formspring that it's her all-time favorite song.]


I love old school Panic! at the Disco.

Talk to the mirror
Oh, choke back tears
And keep telling yourself
That I'm a diva!

Haven't you heard that I'm the new cancer?
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

e.e cummings

(My sister and I want to get matching tattoos; hers will say "I carry your heart" and mine will say "I carry it in my heart.")
But I mean, how well can you know someone that you've never seen cry?
The distance is quite simply too far for me to row, it seems farther than ever before.
I need you so much closer.


But it was not your fault, but mine
And it was your heart on the line
I really fucked it up this time, didn't I, my dear?
This this this.