The day we all went to Em's house to sleepover. and trashed it (: Girl bonding time ao cubo.

The funny thing is that, from this picture, the only people that are gonna be at ISC next year are Bia, Gustavo and Franklin (who came back).

People walk out of your life. Or maybe you walk out of theirs.

Proof that love lasts through time...

My Northern-American lovers (: We're proof that distance means NOTHING.

Stephy's last day, beginning of 8th grade. Pam, Phil, Stephy, Gi, and André. People who in a year from now, might just be names of people who I went to school with. Deprimente. (com a exceção do André since we're getting married (: )

13th birthday, where we actually watched Thirteen, which was very innapropriate and gross, but we thought we were badasses for watching. The Gang. Funny how time changes. Next year, Flo will be in Florida, Stephy will be in Mexico, I'll be at Positivo with Em, and Katie and Julia will be living lives completely apart from us.

12th birthday. Gi and Mah with matching outfits, eu na minha época feia, Haley in the front, Pam com cabelão, Caro com cara de "whatever" no canto.

Vacation before 8th grade, I was 12, going on 13. Sabe a idade que você acha que é super legal and grown up but you're really not? Então.

7th grade, eu acho. Flo, Stephy, Katie, eu, e Julia. watching the Ring 2, getting scared by Chris calling us and Flo and Julia would close their eyes because they were too scared. This is the day we went to the supermarket and flirted with the random guy in the parking lot and bought tons of junk food and then we put all the junk food in the same bowl so then it tasted weird haha. I miss big sleepovers, I miss having a big group of girl friends.

6th grade: é engraçado que eu tenho todas essas meninas no facebook e na época elas eram minhas melhores amigas e agora eu nunca mais falo com elas. e agora só as duas da direita continuam no st.julian's. ah, e não sinto nem um pouco de saudade desses vestidinhos.
E enquanto eu tava fazendo isso, eu ouvi musicas que eu ouvia na época, como early Panic at the Disco and Fall Out Boy. (:
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