coisas aleatórias [2]
- I just thought this picture looked cool. Fuck you Stephenie Meyer, this reminded me of New Moon.
- Cute earrings. :)
- I really really want to take a jumping picture.

- Oh hi, story of my life.

- Yuck. Yeah, spelling does matter.

- People who don't watch this are seriously missing out on so much, it's hilarious.
- Katy Perry's nails. amaaaaazing!

- Loooove. I've lost track of how many times I've talked about this book here. Doesn't make it any less awesome.
- I'm amused easily :)

- Damn straight.
- I don't even drink tea but this is adorable, I'd buy it.
Listening to: Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want - The Smiths.
I have a strong feeling that I overthink everything, and I really do. Anyways, the other day I was thinking about friendships. Specifically, about long-distance friendships. Having had a long-distance romantic relationship and a long-distance friendship relationship, I can assure you that the romantic kind if easier. I mean, sure, you do miss them more but you guys have a reason to continue talking to each other every day and sending funny little messages and that's because you love each other and there's no one else that you're in love with. With friends, it's really different because as much as you may miss your friend who has gone away, there are other friends and you have distractions. I just guess that eventually with friends you no longer have anything in common to talk about and there's not enough love to keep you two talking together. Of course, sometimes the two people don't even notice that they're growing apart and they say "hey, let's skype this week!" but schedules and time zones are different and your weekly meet-ups never happen. I'm not saying this is a good or bad thing, it just happens. And if people want to walk out of your life, maybe they shouldn't have been there in the first place.
PS: This isn't directed to anyone, I promise, this is in general. If it were, I'd throw in some names. :)
Okay, so a long time ago I used to have bangs and got bored of them and decided to grow them out. And now they're this ridiculous length and I can't do anything decent with them. I'm so bored of my hair, I might just cut straight bangs and straighten my entire hair with some process that supposedly will last longer than a day.

As her feet hit the cold pavement, she realized that she had forgot to even put on shoes. She didn't care, she had to keep moving. The night was silent, all she could hear were her choked sobs and the sound of her feet pounding quickly against the ciment. She was sitting in front of the computer when he told her and suddenly the room felt too small, the house felt too small, this town felt to small.
She couldn't believe what he had done.
He had promised her he wouldn't.
That son of a bitch, he had promised.
She kept running.
She thought to herself, "If I'm running, I can't think. And if I can't think, then I can't cry."
Pushing herself farther, her knees starting to ache, her body threatened to give up on her.
She wouldn't give up on her. Just a little farther, just a little farther.
She ran until her feet stopped aching and her bare arms became numb.
Suddenly, she couldn't feel the floor beneath her and she tumbled down into the darkness.
That's what you get when you let your heart win.
I wish I could actually write a book or even just a longer story as opposed to these little pieces of whatever. Sorry for the Paramore thing at the end, it just seemed fitting.
Like violence
"My Dearest,
I’ve missed you very, very much since that last night we were together, and will hold that night especially in my memories for years to come. I’ve been turning it over and over in my mind lately.
I’ve read your letter through at least four times, and will probably read it more times before I’m through. I’ve been sitting here, looking at your picture and getting more homesick every minute. I’ve wanted that picture more than anything else I know of, except, of course, you yourself.
I keep thinking of you, Darling, keep wishing I could be home with you. I want to leave in the worst possible way so I can come home to see you, but things don’t look so good on that subject. But this war has spoiled a lot of things for everyone, I guess.
I’ve never been so lonesome in my life as I am right now. I’m completely lost without you, Darling. I never realized I could miss any one person so much. I just hope it won’t be too much longer until I’m able to be with you again… and live a sane and normal life."
I’ve missed you very, very much since that last night we were together, and will hold that night especially in my memories for years to come. I’ve been turning it over and over in my mind lately.
I’ve read your letter through at least four times, and will probably read it more times before I’m through. I’ve been sitting here, looking at your picture and getting more homesick every minute. I’ve wanted that picture more than anything else I know of, except, of course, you yourself.
I keep thinking of you, Darling, keep wishing I could be home with you. I want to leave in the worst possible way so I can come home to see you, but things don’t look so good on that subject. But this war has spoiled a lot of things for everyone, I guess.
I’ve never been so lonesome in my life as I am right now. I’m completely lost without you, Darling. I never realized I could miss any one person so much. I just hope it won’t be too much longer until I’m able to be with you again… and live a sane and normal life."
This always makes me cry, especially now. I miss you, I miss you, I miss you more than I should. I know there's a lot of fish in the ocean, but I don't want other fish, I want you.
Elizabeth Wurtzel is pretty cool.
"Homesickness is just a state of mind for me. Im always missing someone or somehting. I'm always trying to get back to some imaginary somewhere. My life has been one long longing."
So all I was to you was a way to have fun? I asked.
Yes. That's right, he said.
And that was it.
Be careful of your heart.
random things on my mind
- I just watched "(500) Days of Summer". Again. Zooey Deschanel is so gorgeous and cute. In the part where they're talking on the bench, her voice sounds exactly like Kendall's from Project Runway. Not a bad thing, it just seemed funny to me.
- Listen to this song, it plays in the movie. It's just really nice and soothing and Regina Spektor's voice is nice.
- I've been feeling really out of place where I am, I'm not sure if this is a teenager thing or something more serious. I don't know, I'm just waiting for that moment where I feel like I actually belong somewhere.
- She may not be human but she sure is gorgeous. If I were a Na'vi, I'd like to look like her.
- Hey you, the ball's in your court. Get over yourself and come talk to me, if I know you at all this is as sucky to you as it is to me.
- I saw this preview today. Sup, Ellen Page. It seems just like "Ice Princess", but edgier. Kudos for playing "Pork and Beans" in the preview, though
- I'm thinking of getting bangs, but I think bangs and glasses looks weird. Thoughts?
- I watched "Up in the Air" these days and I really liked it, mainly because it didn't end the way I thought it would. I like it when movies surprise me.
- I'm bored but feeling too antisocial to actually go out and hang out with people and look pretty. Spending my days with Patrick Jane and Dexter and Michael Scott and his crew is just easier.
- I really really want to watch 'Where the Wild Things Are'.
- Today my dog went to take a bath at the pet shop and they cut his fur but just on his head. It looks like they shaved his head so my sister wrote "Parabéns Billy! Calouro UFPR 2010!" on a piece of paper and stuck it to the fridge.
So, I was thinking about the apocalypse (which is one of my favorite words, but not the point). And everyone's freaking about how things are going to end in 2012 and how we're all gonna be crushed or drown or whatever. Personally, I don't think the world is going to end in 2012. I mean, the Mayans predicted it, but they needed to predict some date, né? They just chose a random year because eventually the universe has to end. I also don't think that it's going to be one day when everything explodes or that there's going to be a massive earthquake and flood like in the movie (whch sucked, by the way. John Cusack is such a fail.) Anyways, I think that everything bad that's happening in the world is the slow descent of the Earth and so much shit is going to happen that eventually everyone's just going to die. Like the Haiti earthquake and the intense rain in São Paulo. It's all just the beginning of the world.
(Sorry, my blog has been kind of depressing haha I'll post pretty pictures and happy crap sometime this week :) )
Sam woke up to the sound of the rain pitter-pattering on the rickety old roof. His eyes opened and he stared into the small one room house in the middle of nowhere. Blurry dots flew into his line of vision and he stretched his long arms over his head, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room. He threw one arm carelessly to the side, hoping it would collide with the soft body of his girlfriend, sleeping softly next to him, curled up in a ball like she always slept. She had gotten up already, apparently. He yawned and closed his eyes. Both of them had decided that they were going to spend the summer together and had driven up to his grandfather's little cottage in his beat-up old car. When they got there, the place lacked electricity and only had a carton of green suspicious milk in the fridge. Despite the lack of people around them, it had been a peaceful month, one of the best summers he'd had. They'd spent the days sleeping in the sun or swimming in the lake out back or kissing on the worn-out mattress they'd brought and not wearing enough clothes. As soon as he rolled over, Audrey came running into the room, wearing only his stripy boxers. Her body was covered in a thin sheen of water and rain dripped from her hair. She smiled broadly at him.
"Hey, babe. Come outside, it's so nice out there!" she said, twirling around. He smiled at her lazily. He threw back the covers, inviting her in. She cocked an eyebrow at him then burst out laughing. She pulled off the soaking wet boxers and threw them in the opposite direction and jumped under the covers.
"Hey silly, you're wearing too much clothes!" Audrey said giddily, showering him with wet kisses and tickling his stomach. She laid down on his chest and he tousled her wet hair with his wide fingers. She pulled his wrists to her and kissed the thin scars etched onto his skin. She was beautiful, in everything that she did, and she was his. Indeed, it had been an amazing summer.
I thought of this when I was at the beach and there was a freak storm and I had to walk back to the apartment in the pouring rain. Kind of went into a totally different direction, nbd. Alrighty, too much blogging and not enough sleep. Night night, lovelies. :)
PS: Sticking with Arial now since I used Lucida Grande before and on some computers it looked totally different from the way I wanted it to look like.
coisas aleatórias
- I really want to get a tattoo, actually more than one, but more on that later. One of my tattoos will be of a bird, though.
- I have this theory that four is the perfect number of people to have in a group of best friends.
- I really really want funky, over-sized glasses like these.
- Was I the only one who thought that Lux should've been older than 14? Anyways, this scene is lovely lovely lovely. :)
- I'm not really a dog person but pugs are awesome.
- Agreed.
- Heeey there '90s! These things are pure EVIL.
- If this is a necklace, then I very much want it. :)
I think everyone should listen to "Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)" by Arcade Fire right now. :)
Sandy: The minute you were born, I knew I would never take an easy breath again without knowing you were safe.
Seth: So I'm like asthma?
Summer: I'm busy. Studying. Naked.
Seth: Is that supposed to keep me away?
Summer: Cohen? You're at my house!
Seth: And you're dressed. I don't know who's more disappointed.
yeah, HUGE problem.
(Chorar no meio da lan house? Not too classy.)
Now playing: Shake It - Metro Station
I'm tired of waiting around for you; if you're going to do something, do it, this suspense or whatever it is is agony.
PS: I'm travelling tomorrow, if I find anywhere with an internet connection at the beach, I'll blog. :) Later, alligators.
She walked slowly into the bathroom, her size 38 feet coming in contact with the cold blue floor. Why were bathroom surfaces always so cold? They reminded her of hospitals. She shrugged off her oversized purple robe where it fell to a puddle near her feet. She lowered herself into the bathtub, her body obscured from view by way too many bubbles. With one dry finger, she poked her iPod, filling her bathroom with Katy Perry's voice. She sighed happily and rested her head on the edge of the tub, thankful that her boyfriend was working late. She could never relax when he was around; he was constantly following her around like a puppy, not understanding that she needed alone time and threatening to break up with her when she told him to back off. Sure, she didn't particularly like him, but looking for a new boyfriend that could deal with her bitchy attitude was such a pain. Besides, the sex wasn't completely terrible. She pulled a slender leg out of the foam and examined her pink toes. It was in moments like this that she was truly happy, without having to explain herself to people, without having to make small talk, she could just be. Lying there naked and listening to music would be the most relaxing time she would have the entire week. She closed her eyes and probably fell asleep for a while. She woke up with the door slamming and opened her eyes, startled. It was probably her boyfriend. She rolled her eyes and pulled herself out of the water, the cold air causing her skin to break out in goosebumps, pausing the music. She pulled her long brown hair out the way and tied it in a messy bun and shrugged on her robe. The door cracked open a little and her boyfriend's goofy face appeared in the doorway.
He grinned. "Hey, babe."
She stifled a shudder and smiled weakly. She hated when he called her 'babe', it reminded her of that pig from children's movie. It was like he was imagining her rolling in the mud, filthy. He stepped into the bathroom, wrapping his long arms around her. He took a step back and examined the bath tub. Before he could open his mouth and make a stupid comment about how they should get in together, she bent down and grabbed the hammer that was under the sink. In one swift movement, she hit his head hard. He fell into the tub, splashing bubbles everywhere. She sat on the toilet, watching as the water slowly turned crimson. She turned the music back on and sauntered to her room, a bounce in her step.
PS: Don't look too into this. I'm not that psycho.
VSF chuva
Sério, eu saí de casa as quatro da tarde e ainda não parou de chover e agora é meia noite. Summer FAIL.
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