
As her feet hit the cold pavement, she realized that she had forgot to even put on shoes. She didn't care, she had to keep moving. The night was silent, all she could hear were her choked sobs and the sound of her feet pounding quickly against the ciment. She was sitting in front of the computer when he told her and suddenly the room felt too small, the house felt too small, this town felt to small.
She couldn't believe what he had done.
He had promised her he wouldn't.
That son of a bitch, he had promised.
She kept running.
She thought to herself, "If I'm running, I can't think. And if I can't think, then I can't cry."
Pushing herself farther, her knees starting to ache, her body threatened to give up on her.
She wouldn't give up on her. Just a little farther, just a little farther.
She ran until her feet stopped aching and her bare arms became numb.
Suddenly, she couldn't feel the floor beneath her and she tumbled down into the darkness.
That's what you get when you let your heart win.


I wish I could actually write a book or even just a longer story as opposed to these little pieces of whatever. Sorry for the Paramore thing at the end, it just seemed fitting.