Who knew talking to the girl Bernie met during BRAMUN would change my life? You're my bestfriend, my soul mate, the one I tell absolutely everything to, the one who doesn't mind me whining about the same subject for way too long haha. You're beautiful, inside and out, and I am so super duper grateful to have a best friend as amazing and inspiring as you. If you're a duck, I'm a duck! :)

Gian, the most recent addition to my life! Staying up until 7 AM and texting The Office quotes and asking random question, you are amazing. You make me happy with the silliest things that you do and I less than three you alot! AFF QUE MINA GATA. :D "Baby, don't worry, cause now I've got your back and every time you feel like crying, I'm gonna try and make you laugh!" PS: Eu sei, picture choice sucks, don't kill me. :)

Nogueira, de todas as fotos que I've made you take with me, eu consegui escolher a pior haha. Ai ai, what do I say about you? Três anos é para poucos, agente é foda mesmo :). Mario Kart Lifestyle, Charmila e seus penguins, Oruk Macto, AIDAAA, meu amigo de quatro, fabríola, yo yo! You know me better than anyone else and you know how I'm feeling by the way I roll my eyes. Independente de tudo que já aconteceu, you've made me happy and that's what I'm going to remember.

Em, I've been writing love thingies for you since 6th grade and every time I can't fully explain how much you mean to me. You make me laugh and you don't make fun of the way I dance haha. You're amazing and when I'm 50, I still want to be going with you for lunch and talk about society and religion and life. :)

Flo, you're the sweetest person I've ever met. I know we don't talk as much as we should, but I miss you constantly and June will be awesomeee! You're adorable and I wish I could put you in a jar and mail you over here. I can't wait until I can see you so I can glomp you and make sexual comments! :D

Beeernie! I can't watch anything with Seth Rogen in it without thinking of you. You've gone from being my crush to one of my bestfriends and you are one of the best people I've ever met in my life. "Nobody has gotten a hand job in cargo shorts since 'Nam!"

Rafa, Isa, Erika, Ju, Bru e Dani: vocês são meu cotidiano, minha distração das aulas chatas, meus fins de semana. Por mais que vocês me estressam, eu amo vocês e vocês fizeram diferença na minha vida.

Ta, eu ia te xingar pela foto, but this stoped me:
" Independente de tudo que já aconteceu, you've made me happy and that's what I'm going to remember."
Thats nice :D and made me smile xD
Eu tbm achei q vc n ia por a mari e eu ia te xinga, mas dai eu vi ela la embaixo :D
eu te amo demais, e i actually dont know what to write to express myself, so the best thing i could think of is:
(: te amo feia.
Baleia e Trovão! sério, agente têm tantas jokes que eu n me lembro mais. no meu yearbook do 6th tah escrito PORCARIA no seu testimonial. I don't remember why =) hahahah. It made my day
aww lu, i love your posts but this is far from all my favorite! so so sweet. and independente de tudo, how life went before, and how life goes, its great to still have you by my side. i'll never be able to explain how much u mean to me. mais um ano together, eh nois!
P.S- ''Por mais que vocês me estressam, eu amo vocês'' euri =)
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