
I told you that afternoon that I didn't feel like going out. You threw my keys with the rubix cube keychain at me anyways. But that's what we always did, lying on the couch in your basement; I'd say something about going out to eat or doing something different for us and you'd suggest we go for a drive. I didn't mind, really, but I always acted like I did. I liked driving with you and you'd put your bare feet on the dashboard and change the radios. You'd flick through them for half an hour and then eventually put on the latest mix CD you had made for us. You would always make fun of my taste in music and I'd mock yours but we actually had similar taste in music.
That day your toenails were painted dark red and as you eased your feet out of the green flats you always wore, you called my shirt "gaylord" or some other equally ridiculous diss. I rolled my eyes at you and turned on the car, the engine making that wheezy coughing sound it always did. As i rode the car around the streets of our neighborhood, you told me about your day. Apparently, the bitchy girl who sat behind you had been wearing a ridiculous outfit and your ancient biology teacher had told yet another lame joke. As you told the stories, you imitated their voices and you gestured with your hands, making me laugh. Ah, you could always make me laugh like no one else could.
Eventually, we stopped at that empty fast food place we always went to. You sat in the car waiting while I went and bought two milkshakes (strawberry for me, chocolate fudge for you) and large fries for us to share. When I walked back to the car, you were sitting barefoot on the trunk, your feet poking out of your torn jeans and your eyes were closed as you soaked up the sun.
"Hey silly," I called. You smiled at me in your lazy way but kept your eyes closed. I stood there for a second, watching as the sun rays made your dark hair look shinier than usual and at the constellations of freckles spread across your cheeks. My god, you were beautiful. You are beautiful, but I guess that was just the day I finally realized how fucking stunning you were. I guess that's pretty stupid of me, after being your bestfriend for almost six years. But sitting on top of my car with your heart shaped glasses resting on your head and bracelets covering your skinny arms and your tattoo showing slightly at the hem of your shirt, you were perfect.
You had left the radio turned on so the music slowly wafted over where we were. It was your latest favorite and you started humming absent-mindedly. I couldn't take it anymore. I put my hands on your perfect face and pulled you close to me. You opened your eyes and you made your typical "what the fuck, man?" face but then smiled and you kissed me. When we finally stopped kissing, you looked up at me and grinned.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to do that!" you exclamed, poking my stomach.


I haven't written in a while and I'm in love so everything I write is sappy and romantic.

"You're weird."
"No, that was a compliment."

I watched this movie today. I really really liked it, but I'm not sure if I understood it.
Haha but yeah, it's good, I just have to watch it again. :]
I hate talking to people who make me feel like I'm too talkative and annoying.


Hearts recycled but never saved

"And there's nothing wrong with me, this is how I'm supposed to be, in a land of make-believe that don't believe in me!"

This song stills makes me feel like it did the first time I heard it as a misunderstood 13 year old. I also happen to love Billy Joe Armstrong very intensely. :]
"Should I ask him? Or is that too personal?"
"No dude, go ahead, ask him."
"Okay...did you ever touch her vagina?"
"Wow, way to phrase that super awkwardly! Hahaha"
"Well, what do you call it?"
"I don't know, I don't call it anything!"
"Fine then, did you ever touch her thing?"
" 'Her thing'? How old are you?"
"But she told me to, I was going to say vagina!"
"Just ask him if he fingered her, you don't have to actually say it."
"Okay, did you finger her?"

I love my friends.
I've got more wit,
A better kiss,
A harder touch,
A better fuck,
Than any boy you'll ever meet,
Sweetie, you had me.
People annoy me. Not like one or two people, just humanity in general.
Does it make me mean that I'm happy you're jealous?
I don't care, bem feito mesmo.


"He said, 'Of course it's your decision, but just so you know, if you decide to leave, soon I will follow'."
Tattoos I want:
  • Three birds flying on the back of my neck
  • My matching tattoo with my mom and my sister on my right shoulder
  • An infinity symbol behind my left ear
  • A cat paw print behind my right ear
  • A "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" quote on my foot, either "And that was enough to make me feel infinite" or "We accept the love we think we deserve"
"That's the thing about girls. Every time they do something pretty, even if they're not much to look at, or even if they're sort of stupid, you fall half in love with them, and then you never know where the hell you are. Girls. Jesus Christ. They can drive you crazy. They really can."

The Catcher in the Rye ; J.D Salinger

Hahahahahaha isso me fez rir muito muito muito.


coisas aleatórias [5]

Now playing: Lisztomania - Phoenix.


Dreams are weird

To dream that a house is on fire, indicates that you need to undergo some transformation.

To dream that you put out a fire, signifies that you will overcome your obstacles in your life through much work and effort. Some issue or situation is burning you up inside

To dream that you are being rescued or rescue others, represents an aspect of yourself that has been neglected or ignored. You are trying to find a way to express this neglected part of yourself. Alternatively, it symbolizes an unconscious cry for help. Perhaps you are too proud in your waking life to ask for assistance.

"We might die from medication, but we sure killed all the pain"


I can't stop listening to this song. Also, if you're in the mood, watch the video, it's cool.
Christofer Drew is the cutest thing ever.


What is love?
Is it giving up?
Maaaari! First of all, super happy birthday pra você, tudo de bom e todo esse birthday crap :] You've been my bestfriend for the past 15 years and 7 months and whether you like it not, I'm sticking with you forever! Obrigada por sempre me apoiar e por look out for me e me ajudar, eu te amo muito muito mesmo! You can read my mind and finish my sentences and you know me better than anyone else does. Parabéns pelos seus 19 anos, I love you!

"But was she asian looking or asian smelling?"
The Boy with the Built-In Gaydar
All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a...pigeon!
High school musical swinging on the dance floor
"What are marijuana tablets?"
"Sell my guitars? Would you tell Picasso to sell his guitars?"
"I thought you only killed boys." "I go both ways."
An Ode to Circumsicion
Negão delícia
He can dance if he wants to
"What he danking you for?"
"Qual é sua banda favorita? Simply Red?"
"That must be Nigel with the brie!"
Soy tu papá
"Do you plunder?" "I am known to plunder"

I liked the way my hair looked and I'm wearing a stripy sweater. This is what I do when I should be studying, nbd.
I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black
If it turns out that you hooked up with her, you have no idea how much I'm going to laugh.
Like, seriously, HER? Is this really how low you've sunk?

I have a crush on Seth Cohen

Summer: Cohen?
Seth: Yeah?
Summer: Do you happen [she kisses him] to have … you know?
Seth: Oh [he kisses her] yeah, I do. In my wallet.
Summer: Yeah?
Seth: I was beginning to view it as a sort of a rabbit’s foot, for good luck only, but- [Summer puts her hand over his mouth]
Summer: You’re about to get lucky. [She takes her top off]
Seth: Whatever you say, Summer. Yes.


I wrote our names in my notebook today in swirly handwriting. I erased it before anyone could notice though, because that's sort of childish.
Your name did look awfully nice next to mine, though.

Whenever I tell people that I don't like "The Big Bang Theory", they always assume that it's because I'm stupid and that I don't get the science jokes. Actually, I do get them, I just think the show is horribly forced and not funny. I mean, just because they're smart, it doesn't mean that they talk like that. Oh, and Penny isn't even that hot, she's just kind of really ordinary looking.


"That one's called Sidley and that's Mischa. Isn't Mischa just so pretty? Look at Sidley, sliming all over her. Disgusting, isn't he? When I'm ready, I'll pour salt on them."

Cassie me entende.


My Getting-Ready-to-Go-Out Playlist:

Something fun I discovered today: the ring finger is the ring finger because there's a vein that connects that finger of the left hand directly to the heart. :]

PS: you make me so so happy!
are you gay? because you seem gay.

nope, not at all, never been gay, not gay, and never will be gay, i hate gays, like, aren't there ppl of the opposite sex in this world for them to choose from??

Nossa, vai tomar no meio do seu cu, por favor. Antes de falar mal de alguma coisa, se informe antes peloamordedeus. Que bom pra você que ignorância não mata, hein?

"Those awful things are survivable, because we are as indestructable as we believe ourselves to be. When adults say "Teenagers think they are invincible" with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don't know how right they are. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think we are invincible because we are. We cannot be born, and we cannot die. Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing and failing. But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail."

- John Green "Looking for Alaska"


Mãe, pai, por favooooooor?

I'll prepare you for this sick dark world, know that you will be my downfall, but I call and I call and I call
Back from my weekend at Campinas. That city is way too hot, prefiro minha cidadezinha fria mesmo. :)

Okay, so Friday I went to a party and it was super fun and I liked it...until a certain point. I'm not sure what happened to me, there wasn't even a real trigger, but it's just like suddenly everything I've been feeling for the past three months just crashed into me and I felt like crying and crawling into a hole. Anyways, it was just this terrible feeling and I didn't want to tell my friends what was up, mainly because they wouldn't get it. So then, I eventually went home and kept trying not to cry and went to write exactly what I was feeling here. Luckily, my internet wasn't working and I went to bed and slept it off. I wasn't being sarcastic when I said 'luckily', it's just because now I know that if I read what I'd been feeling, I would've been embarrased and known that I was overreacting.

In a nutshell what I felt Friday night: As much as I appreciate and love the new people in my life, I just wish I were still close to someone I've known for more than one year and who knows me well.

Meh, I just don't know anymore.


This is one of my favorite movies ever. Seth Rogen, you are very much awesome.
So, before my dance class, I was chilling with the girls in my dance class in the locker room thingie and they're all younger than me, like 13. And they started talking about how they were going to get drunk this weekend and then one of the girls was saying how the guy she was into was probably going to be drunk when they hooked up. Oh, and then this other girl who looks like she's 10 was talking about how she was hooking up with this guy and how he grabbed her butt and then she slapped him. And I'm just listening like "Uh, wow." Argh, no wonder our future is doomed if 12 and 13 year olds are getting drunk and hooking up.

"Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your dreams will never wake up and tell you that they don't love you anymore."

- Lady Gaga

I just found this picture and I thought it was cute because Mari and Mique (on the left) are just smiling and Paolina's making a face and I'm just like "OHAI!". :] Cousins FTW!


I hate it when you say something on MSN accidentally, because you just thought it but then it turns out that you actually wrote it and then the conversation becomes awkward and it's even more awkward to say "oh, sorry, i typed that accidentally." This happens to me far too often.

Today I smelled your perfume in the hallway. Instead of missing you uncontrollably, I thought "Wow, that perfume is pretty good mesmo" and continued walking.

Win. :)


Na queda do Muro de Berlim, tinha só um repórter brasileiro lá.
E era o Pedro Bial.
Decadência. Sell-outs FTL.
So, can you do me a favor?
Please try not to forget me. If it's too hard then that's okay, but just try.
Does he kiss your eyelids in the morning when you start to raise your head?
And does he sing to you incessantly from the space between your bed and wall?
Does he walk around all day at school with his feet inside your shoes?
Looking down every few steps to pretend he walks with you.
Oh, does he know that place below your neck that is your favorite to be touched
and does he cry through broken sentences like 'I love you far too much'?

Here. :] Ignore the pictures, I really don't like people who make youtube videos of songs with random pictures.
Oh hey, you're cute. Come take a nap with me pl0x. kthanksbye
Embarrasing moment of the day:

So, this happened with the same guy from my other embarrasing moment. Like he doesn't already think I'm a freak. So anyways, I was having lunch with my friends at this place near school and we were sitting outside on the varanda-y thing. And then the guy walks by our table to go talk to someone on the table behind us and of course my friend winks at me and my other friend nudges me and I'm like "Yeah, I know, I saw him" haha. And then he starts walking away and I make a face like "Mm come here, you are quite delicious" to tease my friends. And then he turns around. And looks at me like "what the fuck?". And because I'm such a discrete person, instead of looking away or start talking to one of my friends, I explode into giggles and cover my face.

No wonder people don't take me seriously hahaha what a fail.


yeah, pretty much

"And you stood at your door with your hands on my waist and you kissed me like you meant it and I know that you meant it."

random tv crap :)

PS: Okay, so I stopped watching Skins after the second season - actually, I didn't even finish the second season, I stopped watching after that insane episode with Tony getting a tattoo and an erection, but not the point haha - but apparently, SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER ALEEEERT Freddie dies! Like, what the fuck? He's one of the main characters and he has a thing going on with Effy and then he dies! Seriously, sometimes I think that the guys who write Skins are random and just say "Hey, what if we do this? No one will see it coming, it'll be awesome!" Like when Tony gets hit by a bus or that Russia episode. Seriously, wtf guys? ¬¬
Don't go and leave me and please don't drive me blind.

This song always gets to me, but maybe because of the mood I'm in right now, this made me cry.
I just watched "Paris, Je T'aime." Well, more like I started watching it and got antsy and left. I watched majority of it anyways. Lately, I've been losing my focus alot and my friend thinks I might have ADD. But I'll talk about that some other time.

Anyways, I was watching the movie and ah, que vontade de falar francês e de andar de mãos dadas com alguém pelas ruas de Paris! The movie is beautiful, beautiful, and it talks about all kinds of love and it's just gorgeous. Also, it's with Natalie Portman, who is absolutely gorgeous and amazing and talented and her story was my favorite, THIS one (Just an FYI, the movie is made up of a bunch of little stories, it's not like one big story). I just watched the beginning of 'Léon' tonight also - it was cool but I was feeling restless, urgh - and Natalie Portman is in it and she's 13 and super cute. :)

"Cute is when your personality shines through your looks. Like, when you see someone’s personality in the way they walk and you just feel like hugging them every time you see them."

That's a quote by her, by the way. Isn't she just lovely lovely lovely? :)
Gosto de pensar que pelo menos um daqueles segredos da comunidade do PostSecret é pra mim. Provavelmente não é já que as pessoas que eu gostaria que tivessem segredos sobre mim não entram lá. But still.


Yeah, I haven't decided whether I love it or hate it yet. Change ftw though. :)


Remember me when you're the one you always dreamed
Hoje tava conversando com as minhas amigas sobre assaltos já que esses dias um amigo meu foi assaltado.

Eu: Ah, até faz sentido roubarem o dinheiro, mas sacanagem levar a carteira inteira, que tem todos os documentos e fotos e tudo.
Minha amiga: Mas é melhor levarem a carteira do que a sua vida.

Well, obviously! ¬¬


coisas aleatórias [4]

  • :)
  • hahahahahahahahaha
  • Okay, I decided that I'm getting bangs tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be a major fail. Also, cute outfit win.
  • I'm like the most easily amused person in the world haha.
  • Blair Waldorf rules.
  • Want!
  • "You are beautiful, Susie Salmon." And these days I figured out that she's Briony from 'Atonement', win!
  • Gah, I've been craving this for such a long time, someone go with me to Yoguland pl0x?
  • Couple pictures FTW!
  • Awesome, I want to do this. Too bad none of my friends own trampolines :/
Now playing: Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana