Maaaari! First of all, super happy birthday pra você, tudo de bom e todo esse birthday crap :] You've been my bestfriend for the past 15 years and 7 months and whether you like it not, I'm sticking with you forever! Obrigada por sempre me apoiar e por look out for me e me ajudar, eu te amo muito muito mesmo! You can read my mind and finish my sentences and you know me better than anyone else does. Parabéns pelos seus 19 anos, I love you!
"But was she asian looking or asian smelling?"
The Boy with the Built-In Gaydar
All eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a...pigeon!
High school musical swinging on the dance floor
"What are marijuana tablets?"
"Sell my guitars? Would you tell Picasso to sell his guitars?"
"I thought you only killed boys." "I go both ways."
An Ode to Circumsicion
Negão delícia
He can dance if he wants to
"What he danking you for?"
"Qual é sua banda favorita? Simply Red?"
"That must be Nigel with the brie!"
Soy tu papá
"Do you plunder?" "I am known to plunder"
Happy Happy B. Day. Happy happy B day day!!
Yay Mari :D
btw, q foto fofa
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