Okay, so yesterday I went to the Placebo and I feel like I should write about it here just because it was one of the happiest moments of my life. We (Pedro, Mari and I) got there around 7:20 and the gates would open at 7:30. We stood in line for a while and there weren't that many people there. Mari (a different Mari haha not my sister) and Victor got there a little after and as it turns out, one of Mari's friends was way ahead in line, so we went and stood with her, which was good because then we got better places than if we had stayed where we were in line. So then the gates opened and we moved to a different line and then we got in, and I was a little worried that they would ask me for my ID, so I just got my sister's ID, but it was chill, nobody even looked at it, haha. After being felt up by the security woman and spending a while looking at band T-shirts with Victor (I didn't get any because they were $40 reais and they weren't that pretty anyways), we went to the pista.
It wasn't that crowded the time we got there and we didn't have tickets for the Pista VIP but we were really close to the grade that separated the povão from the pista VIP. So then there was this little area close to the grade (where we were) that was a little higher, so we were there, which was good because we got to see better. So yeah, we were waiting and it took a while for the banda de abertura to start so we just talked and stuff. Oh, and these days, I saw a girl that looked like Harry Potter in the hallways and I just though, "Oh, girl who looks like Harry Potter!" And then she was there yesterday (and she had VIP tickets, grr) and I was like, "Olha Mari, it's the girl that looks like Harry Potter!" and as it turns out, Mari knew her because she had guitar lessons at the same place Mari used to have guitar lessons. And then I remembered that I once saw HP girl performing at these music school concerts and I was like, "wow, hot guy" and then it turned out to be a girl. So...yeah, haha. Then the banda de abertura started and they were kind of lame, like, the lead singer was singing with sun glasses and was wearing a trench coat and it was super hot in there. Anyways, these bands that open concerts are always kind of a fail because no one's there to see them and everyone's impatient.
And then Placebo started. They opened the concert with "For What It's Worth", and jesus, it was amazing. Behind them, there was this huge screen and it showed random, pretty things and it just added so much more to the experience as a concert. I don't think I've ever jumped, screamed and felt so much in one night. Brian Molko sang every song perfectly, his voice is even better live than recorded and he kept changing guitars every couple of the songs, which I found very bad ass. Stefan Oldsal (the guittarist/drummer) was also amazing, he had some kick-ass solos and there were parts where he started clapping and waving his arms for us to copy. Plus, he's very tall and looks a little like Frankenstein, haha, which was amusing. Steve Forrest (the drummer) is goooorgeous and he played shirtless, which is super cool. I didn't stand still the entire night and I sang along to every single song. It was completely marvellous; it was an amazing experience to hear the lyrics that I've memorized, written in my notebook, related to sung out loud in front of me. And I think that even people who don't like Placebo that much would've enjoyed it, it was just the best performance I've ever seen. Oh, and now I am more in love with Brian Molko than I was before and my legs and necks are aching. It was definitely worth it. :]
PS: I didn't take this picture, I found it online (though it is from the concert last night) and it was taken with a camera that is far more superior than mine is.
PPS: Oh, and here is them singing 'Meds', that I found on Youtube. I was closer to the stage than this person was, bjs.
(e fail pra HP girl who you thought was a HOT GUY xD_)
Dream came true ? =)
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