
I want to
let her know
that all the nights
beside her

even the useless
were things
ever splendid

- Charles Bukowski
Você pode até duvidar, acho que isso não é amor!

This has become one of my favorite songs lately and I was holding your hand the first time I heard it.


I finally have some sort of internet that isn't on my phone and I can't think of what to write.
I could say 'fuck you' but you're not really worth getting upset over.


My dad was in the living room cutting wood to put in the fireplace with this small ax and then he stops, looks at me and asks, "Short sleeve or long sleeve?" like that scene in 'Blood Diamond.'


Out of all the movies I've ever seen, this part is definitely in my top 10 favorite movie scenes.


Life is too short to spend it having conversations with people you don't like.


Essa foi uma das propagandas mais brilhantes que eu já vi, esse tipo de coisa me motiva ainda mais a ser publicitária.


I believe that lovers should be tied together, thrown into the ocean in the worst of weather, left there to drown, left there to drown in their innocence. Now I believe that lovers should be draped in flowers, and laid entwined together on a bed of clover, and left there to sleep, left there to dream of their happiness.



I'm too young to feel this trapped.


If you fall asleep down by the water, baby, I'll carry you all the way home.