
“Thomas Edison's last words were 'It's very beautiful over there'. I don't know where there is, but I believe it's somewhere, and I hope it's beautiful.” 

I'm going to my very first funeral today, and that would've been bad enough if the person who had died hadn't been one of my best friends who is my age. Honestly, there is absolutely nothing worse than hugging a crying mother who has just lost her child. I believe that everybody has a certain time to leave this planet, so I'm sure fate/God/whatever decides this sort of thing has other plans for you and that you're in a better place now. Te amo, Dani, sempre.


It's a very odd feeling to be with a group of people and feel like I don't particularly matter to anyone there.


my life lately [in pictures]

Also, here. (not a playlist I made, but it's one of Catherine's, and she makes the best mixes ever.)