
Less than three!

A general "Thank you for everything and I love you" goes out to everyone. And now the individual messages:

Who knew talking to the girl Bernie met during BRAMUN would change my life? You're my bestfriend, my soul mate, the one I tell absolutely everything to, the one who doesn't mind me whining about the same subject for way too long haha. You're beautiful, inside and out, and I am so super duper grateful to have a best friend as amazing and inspiring as you. If you're a duck, I'm a duck! :)

Gian, the most recent addition to my life! Staying up until 7 AM and texting The Office quotes and asking random question, you are amazing. You make me happy with the silliest things that you do and I less than three you alot! AFF QUE MINA GATA. :D "Baby, don't worry, cause now I've got your back and every time you feel like crying, I'm gonna try and make you laugh!" PS: Eu sei, picture choice sucks, don't kill me. :)

Marcus, majority of my interactions with you consist of me trying to either hug you or kiss you and you resisting and calling me a rapist. I love you nonetheless. :) 10 times in a row and failz0r, you are the best.
Nogueira, de todas as fotos que I've made you take with me, eu consegui escolher a pior haha. Ai ai, what do I say about you? Três anos é para poucos, agente é foda mesmo :). Mario Kart Lifestyle, Charmila e seus penguins, Oruk Macto, AIDAAA, meu amigo de quatro, fabríola, yo yo! You know me better than anyone else and you know how I'm feeling by the way I roll my eyes. Independente de tudo que já aconteceu, you've made me happy and that's what I'm going to remember.
Em, I've been writing love thingies for you since 6th grade and every time I can't fully explain how much you mean to me. You make me laugh and you don't make fun of the way I dance haha. You're amazing and when I'm 50, I still want to be going with you for lunch and talk about society and religion and life. :)
Flo, you're the sweetest person I've ever met. I know we don't talk as much as we should, but I miss you constantly and June will be awesomeee! You're adorable and I wish I could put you in a jar and mail you over here. I can't wait until I can see you so I can glomp you and make sexual comments! :D
Beeernie! I can't watch anything with Seth Rogen in it without thinking of you. You've gone from being my crush to one of my bestfriends and you are one of the best people I've ever met in my life. "Nobody has gotten a hand job in cargo shorts since 'Nam!"
mynha amyga maix prinçeza! Veva, você é linda, eu amo conversar com você e tirar umas piras do NARIZ. Let's go to Walaska in Cyle's truck!
Rafa, Isa, Erika, Ju, Bru e Dani: vocês são meu cotidiano, minha distração das aulas chatas, meus fins de semana. Por mais que vocês me estressam, eu amo vocês e vocês fizeram diferença na minha vida.
Mari e Pedro, the funniest people I've ever met, obrigada por nunca me deixar de vela haha. É nóis. :)

For the last time with feeling,
We'll try not to smile.
As we cover our heads and drink heavily into the night,
That’s no shock and surprise.
I believe that I can overcome this and beat everything in the end.
But I choose to abuse for the time being.
Maybe I'll win, but for now I've decided to die.

90's FTW!

This show is so much cooler than Wizards of Waverly Place or Hannah Montana.
I wanted to buy some season of this but it was supah dupah expensive. :(
Oh, and Topanga is gooooorgeous!
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy, are drifting through my open mind.


Funny moments of my night yesterday:

- So, this guy I think is cute winked at me from across the room. I then smiled at him and he looked at me like "uhh hi, do I know you?" Turns out he wasn't winking at me, he was just super high and had a twitch in his eye.

- My friend: "Nossa, tem gente aqui bebendo, fumando e fumando maconha!"
Me (sarcastically): "Wow, eles também devem transar, né?"
My friend: "Sééério?"

- I was picking the songs that were playing on this guy's iPhone and I was agitando um monte haha and then the guy's dad called him and he took away his iPhone. :(

- My friend: "Mas eu não sou lebska!"
Me: "Quê?"
My friend: "Meu, que que aquele cara tava falando que eu sou lebska? Eu não sou!"
Me: "Lebska? Lésbica, guria?"
My friend: "Siiim!"
Me: "Aaah ta! Hahahaha"

- Friend 1: "Ui, aquele cara vomitou?"
Me: "Acho que sim, ele tava lá na pia."
Friend 2: "Ah, mas acho que ele só ta lavando a cara."
Friend 1: "É, mas ele entrou correndo de lá fora."
Me: "Pois é, deve ter tido uma emergência e ele teve que sair correndo e lavar a cara!"

And if they sent a whirlwind,
I'd hug it like a harmless little tree.
Or an earthquake,
I'd calm it,
And I'd bring you back to me,
And I'd hold you
In my weak arms like a first born.
I hate those awkward seconds of silence when you're listening to music and one song ends but the other hasn't started yet.


Alive With the Glory of Love

She opened her eyes, her eyelashes still thick with dark blue mascara. The room was cold, cold, cold. She couldn't remember last time she woke up and couldn't feel her toes. She wiggled them around under the heavy red blanket covering her 1.70m long body and yawned. She skin on her freckled arms broke out into goosebumps and she shivered. She gently touched her cold hands to the back of the person softly sleeping next to her. He rolled over automatically, groaning sleepily. She leaned into him and his warm arms enveloped her, pulling her close to him. She didn't feel cold anymore.


"Life is not a spark in space."


Ah, nothing like a group of insecure teenagers who drink and get high, trying to convince themselves that they're cool to make you dislike your generation.
Oh hey, formspring. ask me crap :)
Just because I'm texting while standing next to you, that doesn't mean you can read over my shoulder and ask me who I'm texting and what we're talking about, kthanks.


I have a feeling that whenever I cry, it's always in front of the computer and listening to Placebo.
'A heart that hurts is a heart that works' indeed!
I found this insanely cute. Nerd love ♥ :)

You'll be my princess and I'll be your toad, I'll follow behind you on rainbow road, protect you from red shells wherever we go, I promise!
"I'm in love with you."
"I'm really sorry if that's weird for you to hear but I need you to hear it. Probably not good timing, I know that, I just..."
"What are you doing? What do you expect me to say to that?"
"I just needed you to know. Once."
"I can't."
"You have no idea -"
"Don't do that."
" - what your friendship means to me."
"Don't do that. I don't wanna do that. I want to be more than that."
"I can't. I'm really sorry if you misinterpreted things, it's probably my fault."
"Not your fault. I'm sorry if I misinterpreted our friendship."

I watched this episode again today, it had been a while since I watched it. :(

PS: I really should be studying for my test tomorrow, math shall be my downfall.


You were what I wanted
I gave what I gave
I'm not sorry I met you
I'm not sorry it's over
I'm not sorry there's nothing to save
It's raining now. You should be here now and we could be watching The Office in my bed. Just saying. :)

Love is old, love is new, love is all, love is you.


Achei o orkut do menino que eu acho bonito, o que parece o James McAvoy. Então, ele está nas seguintes comunidades:
  • Jesus Cristo
  • Sou crente e curto hardcore
  • Eu dirijo trator sem camisa

Estou começando a achar que minha teoria sobre meninos bonitos está certa haha
If Jackie Chan movies are already bad, they're even worse dubbed. Thanks, Globo. Does anyone even take Jackie Chan seriously?
Sometimes I forget that fictional characters don't exist in real life and it makes me sad.

Memories fade, like looking through a fogged mirror
Decisions to decisions are made and not fought
But I thought this wouldn't hurt alot, I guess not
Found this super duper cute. I reaaally want a tattoo. I wonder how much they cost and whether my mom would let me get one now.
Dying relationships make me sad.


Sometimes my friends don't know basic things about me and I wonder if it's because I forgot to tell them or it if it's because I told them but they didn't listen because they were too busy waiting for their turn to speak.
"Love's an excuse to get hurt. And to hurt. Do you like to hurt? I do, I do! Then hurt me!"
And that's why I'm singing, "Baby, don't worry, cause now I've got you back. And every time you feel like crying, I'm gonna try and make you laugh. And if I can't, if it just hurts too bad, then we will wait for it to pass, and I will keep you company through those days so long and black."
I hate it when I don't like somebody and everyone loves this person and you comment that you don't really like them and they're like "What? Seriously? She's so nice! How can you not like her?" ¬¬
I don't know where I belong but I know that it's not here.


Cast your mind back to the days when I pretended I was okay
I have so very much to say about my crazy living

"My life has become a boring pop song and everyone's singing along."
Do you need anybody?
I want somebody to love!
Could it be anybody?
I just want somebody to looove!

Watch this, it's the scene from Across the Universe. This scene is partly the reason that I want an awesome group of friend haha. I'm probably the most annoying person to watch this movie with, I keep saying "Oh, I love this scene" and saying random facts I know about it. Max is gorgeous though. :)
So basically all I listen to lately is The Beatles (or the Across the Universe soundtrack que meio que dá na mesma), Coldplay and Bright Eyes.



"A boss is like a teacher. And I’m like the cool teacher, Mr Handell. Mr. Handell would hang out with us and tell us awesome jokes and he actually hooked up with one of the students. And then like 12 other kids came forward. It was in all the papers. It really ruined 8th grade for us." :)

Hair acessories FTW!
You said you hate my suffering and you understood and you'd take care of me.
You'd always be there, well, where are you now?

Just going through a phase (?)

Yesterday, I was talking to my sister about religion and I probably said something about how I'm not really religious and how it's not as common to find someone my age having a lot of faith in God and all. And then she said "Oh, that's such an age thing. No offense, but you'll grow out of it and eventually find out what you believe in." Which got me thinking about this whole teenager thing, I guess. I kind of hate being stuck in that "teenager" group, where adults think I'm always moody and angsty and repressed.

Anyways, another point I was trying to make: two of my friends have fake IDs and were going to this balada or whatever. Personally, I think people my age who think they're so much older are ridiculous. I mean, I think we waste too much time being 15 but wishing we were 18 and then we'll finally be 18 and we'll wish we were 15! And this whole clubbing thing or whatever you call it, I'll have like 15 years of doing it legally. Also, these things only have waaay older people. (Or maybe I'm just a little mad because I wasn't invited, nbd).

Going back to what my sister said: "You'll grow out of it." And that got me thinking, is all this confusion, heart ache, lack of sense of belonging and wanting to run away, is this just part of being a teenager? In a couple of years am I just going to instantly feel better because now I'm older? I kind of hope so.
The ceiling had cracks in them. She had been living there for three years now, how had she not noticed them before? Her head lifted as he took a deep breath. Oh yeah, him. She had forgot he was there. Well, not forgot, it was hard to forget that there was someone sleeping next to you when they're breathing obnoxiously loud. She sighed and rolled away from him, getting up to go get a cup of coffee. The kitchen was always a couple of degrees colder and she shivered in her plaid pijama pants and striped bra. She wrapped her long pale fingers around the chipped mug and sauntered to her room, where he still lay there huddled, a breathing lump under the covers. She sat back down on the bed, tucking her feet under the blanket for warmth. He stirred awake and poked his dark-haired head from out of the covers.


Aaaand then I had a mental block and was sleepy and gave up. Suggestions for an ending are always welcome!


It seems like today people are constantly saying personal jokes that I'm not involved in or just saying things that I don't understand and on purpose. It's like, what the fuck, you know I don't get it, just because you find it hilarious doesn't mean I do.
"1234" by The Plain White Ts + looking at pictures of happy couples on Facebook + PMS = noooot the best idea in the world.

"As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."

When I was little, my mom read me this book. And she read it to me once and it made me cry and whenever she suggested that we read it again, I'd start to cry. I haven't even looked at it in like 10 years or something and I was talking to Gian and I remembered it. And then I found that there was an online version and I read it. It still makes me cry.


LEO - The Lion

Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Usually happy but when unhappy tend to be

grouchy and childish. A Leo’s problem becomes everyone’s problem. Most Leos are very

predictable and tend to be monotonous. Knows how to have fun.. Is really good at almost anything.

Great kisser. Very predictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in

long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found.

It's probably unhealthy how much faith I have in horoscopes. And how freaked out I am when they're true?
But I know it's too late, I should've given you a reason to stay.
"I need a father who's a role model, not some horny geek-boy that's gonna spray his short everytime I bring a girlfriend home from school. What a lame-o. Someone should just really put him out of his misery."
"Want me to kill him for you?"
"Yeah. Would you?"

Best opening scene ever. I love Ricky Fitts.
Majority of the time, I love my blog but times like now I kind of hate it because I want to post stuff but then I remember that certain people actually read it and then I just bottle it up. I think I'm going to get a secret blog for when I feel like this.


I watched 'Silence of the Lambs' yesterday and I found it insanely clever when Hannibal said, "I have to go, I'm having an old friend for dinner." :)

"Tudo na vida é passageiro. Menos o motorista." - Meu pai.

coisas aleatórias [3]

  • I wish my hair curled like this naturally.
  • It's a bingo!
  • Cats are awesome.
  • If I weren't so claustrophobic, I'd love to sleep there.
  • Nuff said.
  • I like how this line is in a children's book and you probably read this when you were too young to actually get it.
  • Awww.
  • Yeah, pretty much.
  • Just watched 'Babel'. Gael García Bernal is delicious and he looks a little like Rodrigo Santoro.
  • We just forget it sometimes.
  • *rawr!*
  • Max
Now playing: Forever & Always - Taylor Swift



Movies I bought yesterday:
  • Seven
  • Love Actually (so I can now watch it every Christmas!)
  • The Shining
  • Dirty Dancing
  • Silence of the Lambs
  • Babel

Figure skating

So I was watching the Olympics and it was singles men figure skating. And all of the guys have reaaaally big butts! I don't know why, but it was just really entertaining haha. There were also two guys from Kazachstan and they were both really young, like one guy was 16 and the other was 17. No one of them looked like Borat, though. :(


I'm thinking of getting my tragus pierced. Now I just don't know if my mom will let me or how badly it's going to hurt. It's kind of ridiculous how low my threshold of pain is, though. Anyways, I definitely want to get my third in both ears so that has to happen soooon.
1284 Days. Life goes on indeed!

PS: Deixo ficar subentendido.


She's so cool.
Every so often I feel like changing my layout and all. I like this one now. :)
But I could not recall a more perfect fall
Cause when I looked up into your eyes, it didn't hurt all
And I thought, be still my heart
This could be a brand new start with you
And it will be clear when if I wake up and you're still here with me in the morning.


Love love love

Favorite Love Songs:

Happy Valentine's Day!

Well, this was Valentine's Day last year. All of my friends were single and we got together at my friend's house and played Wii. I was just thinking about how I felt that night and wow, alot has changed in a year. More significantly (for Valentine's day, I guess) the person who I like has changed and that just surprised me, I guess. So I mean, I just think it's silly to be sad about being single because you never know how things are going to turn out, y'know?

Watch this Post Secret Valentine's video which is pretty cool.

PS: This Valentine's Day is shaping up to be better than last year's... :)

"Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world, I feel like I can't take it, like my heart's going to cave in."


Sometimes I think that the term "soul mate" refers to your bestfriend and not to someone who you're in love with. I love you intensely, for being what I'm not, for listening, for the lack of awkward conversations we have, for telling me when I'm wrong, for all the useful advice, for making me laugh all the time!
If I could marry any celebrity, it'd either be Andy Samberg, John Krasinki or James McAvoy.
I'm biting my tongue!
He's kissin' on you!
Oh, why can't you see?
One, two, three, four!



This carnaval I won't:
  • Go anywhere particularly interesting
  • Have sex
  • Kiss random strangers
  • Dance energetically
  • Sing tacky songs
  • Go out in the streets with my friends
On the other hand, I probably will:
  • Stay most of my time at home
  • Spend alot of time online
  • Watch movies
  • Eat
  • Watch The Office
  • Finally watch the final episode of Dexter
  • Spend a while debating whether I should talk to you or not when you go online
  • Have my mom ask me (after me not having left the house), "Todas suas amigas tão viajando, Lu?"
  • Have my mom ask me, "Pra quem você manda tanta mensagem?"
  • Wallow in my own sadness for staying at home during the happiest week in Brasil.