
Things that make my heart ache:

  • Seeing ads for elderly people who have gotten lost and haven't been found
  • Parents whose children have passed away
  • Older people having lunch by themselves
  • Movies that portray close mother/daughter relationships
  • Abandoned pets
  • Having 519 Facebook friends, 168 Twitter followers and 312 Tumblr followers and still feeling excruciatingly lonely on a daily basis
  • 'Asleep' by The Smiths
  • Poetry about lost love
  • Couples who can't be together because of distance and/or timing
  • My cat when he meows to be let in and for some reason or another, he isn't allowed to be indoors
  • Watching my grandparents interact with each other
  • 'Titanic'
  • When Gian senses that something is wrong so he squeezes my hand and we don't have to talk about it
  • Watching people say good-bye to their loved ones at the airport
  • 'Like Crazy'


Guess who's getting a tattoo next Thursday?! :))))


Tired (inside and out.) 


He rode up on his bike to where I was sitting and asked me in an accent different than mine why my glasses were shaped funny. I pushed my lips against each other and glared at him from behind the thick glass. He squinted as the sun hit his dark face and blinked at me. 
"I like them like this," I answered, setting my book next to me. 
He shrugged and rode away while the lion tattoo on his back bared its white teeth at me. That was the first time we spoke. With my legs turning freckly in the May sun, there was no way I could've know that in two short weeks I'd be kissing his bare skin and digging my nails into his skin in the hushed silence of his basement where he had invited me to casually watch his favorite documentary with him. And if I didn't know that, I most certainly didn't know that that second when I was engrossed in the book my older sister had given to me as a birthday present before being interrupted by a boy with a gap between his front teeth, that second would be last happy moment in my life. 


Sometimes I write and sometimes it's not very good but sometimes I end up posting it.