
In a relationship, how important is it to have things in common?


Anonymous said...

I don't know, I think that what's vital is understanding what is important to the other person and supporting them in that, regardless of whether or not the thing itself is something you both have in common.

Ca said...

I don't know either, but I know I've had many problems in relationships because we lacked things in common. there seemed to be so little we could actually talk about because he wasn't interested in what I was interested and even more the contrary, and after a while we would just make out and barely talk, which obviously ruined everything. So actually, I think it's pretty important to have things in common in a relationship, but what you like/are interested in shouldn't be just what the other person likes/is interested in. it sucks to try to be someone you're not too, e eu já fiz isso antes também. So I think that if you have too much in common you end up losing yourself, but if you have barely anything in common it eventually fades away to making small talk and making out. many of the closest, most intimate moments I've had is when the person I'm with shares the same opinion as I do, and often we don't even need to say it out loud. <3