
On graduating and such

For majority of my life, I have gone to schools where the seniors would get a page in the yearbook but that doesn't really happen with the current school I go (because nobody cares about what you think or who you are, as long as you pass the vestibular.) So, since I won't have a graduation ceremony of any kind, I decided I might as well write here what I would write if I had a senior page. Okay.

Mãe e Pai: Vocês são minha maior inspiração e fonte de apoio. Devo tudo que tenho à vocês dois e palavras não conseguem descrever a quantidade de amor que sinto por vocês. Obrigada por tudo, de verdade.

Mari: Minha melhor amiga há 17 anos, ainda bem que vamos voltar a estudar na mesma escola de novo e poder voltar pra casa ridiculamente cedo e assistir America's Next Top Model. Eu te amo mais que tudo and that goes without saying. "With the body of a ........porcupine."

Gian: Baby baby, you're the light of my life. It makes me happy to know that we'll still have many afternoons of taking naps, watching TV and baking cookies. You're smelly and silly, but I like you, nonetheless. You're the best I've ever had.

Vicky: "WHERE YOU GOING?" "I'M LEAVING YOU!" "NO, YOU AIN'T." Babesies, you're one of the best things to have happened to me and I can' get over how lucky I am to have met you. You're a constant in my life and the best friend I've ever had. Te amo, ponjiquejoo.

Cami, Lisa and Alan: You three have been there for me more times than you're probably aware of and you're partly the reason I love São Paulo so much. I'm sure you're all going to do amazing things with your lives and I hope you have all the happiness you guys deserve.

Veva: Tenho tanta sorte de ter uma amiga tão parceira quanto você! Você é minha pessoa favorita dessa cidade e prometo que ano que vem, continuarei dividindo sobremesas com você e discutindo teorias sobre a humanidade. Te amo tanto e saiba que estarei aqui pra tudo!

FAMBLE: Thank you for having been there for me, even when you weren't really. The five of you have played an important part in the person I am today and I wish you all the best in the world, wherever you guys may be. Como diria Fernando Pessoa"O valor das coisas não está no tempo em que elas duram, mas na intensidade com que acontecem." I love you all.

Bruna, Dani, Marina e Rafa: Não sei se eu teria conseguido aguentar a loucura do terceirão sem vocês. Espero que vocês tenham muito sucesso em qualquer faculdade que forem fazer e estou aqui sempre, amo vocês!

I'm sorry if I forgot to write about anybody here. Thank you to everyone who had impacted me and/or inspired me in some way.


AN said...


Anonymous said...

First of all, thank you so much!
Secondly, I love this post. I think it's incredibly lovely to be able to address all the people you love/have loved and who have shaped you in some form or another...it's almost a form of romanticizing, very briefly, certain aspects of your adolescence. ...I don't know if that made sense. Anyway, thank you again and congratulations on making it through high school alive!