
On Sunday, I watched Requiem for a Dream. I've been thinking what I'd write about this movie ever since it finished and I feel like I still can't express what I want to say eloquently. It's been a while that a movie has moved me much in a way that it's almost haunting. I'm not sure whether I'd say it was a good movie or not, maybe it's something bigger than that. I felt like it was an experience, as in, not a movie I'd see again but an experience I'm glad I had. The trailer below doesn't do it any justice and will probably seem like I'm exagerating - which I don't think I am, because I'm not the kind of person to be easily shocked in movies by strong imagery. The ending scene is available on Youtube if you search for it, I just doesn't make much sense or have much impact if you didn't see the entire movie. Anyways, yeah, I just felt like I had to write this down somewhere.


Monique said...
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Monique said...

I want to watch this film