
Funny moments of my night yesterday:

- So, this guy I think is cute winked at me from across the room. I then smiled at him and he looked at me like "uhh hi, do I know you?" Turns out he wasn't winking at me, he was just super high and had a twitch in his eye.

- My friend: "Nossa, tem gente aqui bebendo, fumando e fumando maconha!"
Me (sarcastically): "Wow, eles também devem transar, né?"
My friend: "Sééério?"

- I was picking the songs that were playing on this guy's iPhone and I was agitando um monte haha and then the guy's dad called him and he took away his iPhone. :(

- My friend: "Mas eu não sou lebska!"
Me: "Quê?"
My friend: "Meu, que que aquele cara tava falando que eu sou lebska? Eu não sou!"
Me: "Lebska? Lésbica, guria?"
My friend: "Siiim!"
Me: "Aaah ta! Hahahaha"

- Friend 1: "Ui, aquele cara vomitou?"
Me: "Acho que sim, ele tava lá na pia."
Friend 2: "Ah, mas acho que ele só ta lavando a cara."
Friend 1: "É, mas ele entrou correndo de lá fora."
Me: "Pois é, deve ter tido uma emergência e ele teve que sair correndo e lavar a cara!"



Anonymous said...

lu you're hilaire.

André N. said...

sarcasm ftw hahaaha. Cant you name some of them?

Gian said...


Eu ja tive emergencia pra lava a cara. Tipo aquela vez que eu ... nao pera.. N, n tive nenhum momento desses