
well, now it's only fair that i make you a list too!

Reasons why Gian is awesome:
  1. You're insanely cute
  2. You're probably the most random person I've ever met
  3. You make me laugh on a daily basis
  4. You're downloading The Office :)
  5. You don't mind staying up until 7 AM
  6. Not only did you dance around your room like a pansy, but you filmed yourself doing so
  7. Your blog posts are interesting, even if they never have pictures
  8. You think everything I do is hilarious as opposed to retarded
  9. You called Edward Cullen "Eddy" hahahha
  10. You actually made a list when I was just (sort of) kidding haha
  11. I'm going to become bankrupt because of all the texting
  12. You, on the other hand, have unlimited texting, which is awesome.
  13. When I say bye to you on MSN, i usually leave half an hour later because you keep enrolando me (:
  14. I'm now listening to the polka-dot bikini song hahaha guuuuurl
  15. Você só viu o video do Shoes tipo ontem!
  16. You're a boy and you smell
  17. YOU CATE!
  18. Lost
  19. Rawr. with extra Rs.
  20. Your mom is cool and has tattoos :)
  21. You use funny words
  22. Like gorfo
  23. And sussa
  24. And afffff
  25. And win
  26. And mum
  27. You use :D alot
  28. You don't mind when I tell you in detail about my day
  29. Whenever I tell you a random fact, you always know it and you always have more information to add about it
  30. I'd fit in your bed
  31. You make up new nicknames for me on a daily basis
  32. You're silly
  33. You make me happy
  34. You're my fish
  35. You send me good morning and good night texts
  36. Your taste in music is crazily eclectic
  37. I said "Think about it long and hard" and you thought of it in the dirty way
  38. Which was kind of the point haha
  39. You didn't believe me when I told you that terracotta is a kind of cheese
  40. And I googled it now and you miiiight be right haha
  41. Your favorite class is math
  42. You have a picture of a quati on your head. Pretty bad ass
  43. You abuse the "like" button of Facebook
  44. You live in the middle of nowhere
  45. But really close to my cousins! hahaha
  46. You know me better than most people do
  47. You watched Superbad but forget you watched it haha
  48. Your nose
  49. And your hair
  50. Your face in general is just lovely
  51. You don't watch alot of movies haha
  52. Snow Patrol reminds me of you, not sure why haha
  53. You're hilarious (I can't remember if I've put that haha)
  54. I less than three youuuu.
  55. You never do your art homework haha
  56. I probably look retarded smiling and laughing at the computer when I'm talking to you
  57. You listened to Placebo. :)
  58. Narwhals are indeed, very awesome.
  59. Aaaand I'm gonna stop right there because this list doesn't even convey how amazing you are.
PS: This reminded me of you. INVENTORS OF THE SHISH KEBAB! :D


Gian said...

Thats a wonderful Narwhal there, I see

alangolom said...

Item 30.