
Heeey guys. So at my school, there's this project where you have to make a music video and it's a big deal and people take it really seriously and there's this awards ceremony for it and everything. Since you all have sort of similar tastes in music, as me I'd like to know if you guys have any song recommendations! We were thinking something sort of upbeat, like "Mushaboom" by Feist or "Kiss With a Fist" by Florence and the Machines. Ideally, it'd be song sung by a woman because we're going to have to lip-synch. So yeah, any ideas would be very much appreciated :]


alangolom said...

You've got the love by Florence and the machine could make a cool video... uhm, Bulletproof by La Roux is very upbeat, Love song by Sara Bareilles is good, though overplayed. I dunno! Sorry if you hate all of these. Boa sorte with the thing, I really hope that you'll win, instead of the annoying group that will undoubtedly do something related to brushing their teeth with alcohol...

sheep said...

i LOVE the idea of mushaboom. i love that song and i dont care what you do with it, it'd be lighthearted and fun, so why not?

either that or britney spear's orgy song.

alangolom said...

a threesome is hardly an orgy. Remember Lisa? We wen't over this!