
Okay, so there's this guy in my class who is kind of cute. I mean, he's so not my type, but he's not ugly or anything. Anyways, all the girls drooool over him and think he's super hot or whatever and he's always being flirty with these girls. Then his sister, who's also in our class, told someone that he liked this random girl who is super childish and thinks boys have cooties, stuff like that. Anyways, as it turns out, he doesn't actually like anyone, but he just flirts with every girl because he'd hook up with any of us. Personally, I thought this seemed kind of slutty and made me like him alot less. But it's just that if a girl was like "Okay, I'm going to flirt with all the guys and I'll hook up with him!" she'd be considered a slut and everyone thinks this guy is such a stud. Which is so stupid, I mean, it makes it seem like guys don't actually have any feelings and they don't fall in love, they're just interested in flirting and hooking up with random meaningless girls.

Okay, I don't know what my point in this little story was, this just made a lot more sense in my head than when I tried to write it down.

On a sort of related note, there's a girl in my class who looks like the donkey from Shrek.

PS: This is me showing that I have not traded Tumblr for Blogspot. :]


sheep said...

"made me like him alot less"

don't you mean HIS alot? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_D_Z-D2tzi14/S8TRIo4br3I/AAAAAAAACv4/Zh7_GcMlRKo/s400/ALOT.png
:) hahahah sorry
but yes, i dig what you're saying. and i agree. i know this is an age old argument, but it always bothers me. a few years ago, i kissed two guys in the same night, and by monday I WAS THE BIGGEST SLUT IN THE WORLD AND I HAD KISSED 9 GUYS IN THE SAME NIGHT
but yeah. i know what you're saying.

Gian said...

e não eram 12 carinhas? EU LEMBRO

Yeah, boys suck :/