

So, I was thinking about the apocalypse (which is one of my favorite words, but not the point). And everyone's freaking about how things are going to end in 2012 and how we're all gonna be crushed or drown or whatever. Personally, I don't think the world is going to end in 2012. I mean, the Mayans predicted it, but they needed to predict some date, né? They just chose a random year because eventually the universe has to end. I also don't think that it's going to be one day when everything explodes or that there's going to be a massive earthquake and flood like in the movie (whch sucked, by the way. John Cusack is such a fail.) Anyways, I think that everything bad that's happening in the world is the slow descent of the Earth and so much shit is going to happen that eventually everyone's just going to die. Like the Haiti earthquake and the intense rain in São Paulo. It's all just the beginning of the world.

(Sorry, my blog has been kind of depressing haha I'll post pretty pictures and happy crap sometime this week :) )

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