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I miss watching Lost, but in the last episode I watched, things were starting to not make sense anymore and they had time travel and shit. I might go and watch some episodes from the 1st and 2nd season, those were the best.

1 comment:

Gian said...

Oh my, LOST ftw. Fudidamente...
o Desmond eh foda.
O Sayid tbm...

O time travel comeca a ficar legal, mas o fim da ultima temp q teve ta meio "wtf... e como vcs vao faze essa porra encaixa na historia"

eu quero a nova temporada.
btw, tbm quero Chuck, q eh mtu lgl
e preciso pegar os Fringes novos... mas parece q vai tar meio doidao tbm..

hmm, I think I may need a life