

I was watching 'Twilight' but then came up because it sucks. I am now going to list everything that sucks about that movie. 
  • Kristen Stewart can't act. Like, seriously, she has this scared and awkward face the entire movie. 
  • Why does everyone want to be friends wih Bella? She's so awkward and she isolates herself.
  • Spidermonkey? Seriously? 
  • Why does Edward Cullen have this intense "jizz in my pants" face whenever he looks at Bella? It's kind of creepy. 
  • If the guy I liked watched me while I slept, I'd be really scared, no matter how hot he is.
  • So overly dramatic. 
  • It makes no sense that one of the vampires is black if all vampires are supposed to be really pale. 
  • There are 5 kids and they drive 3 cars to school. Thanks for your contribution to global warming, Cullens!
  • Rosalie is such a bitch. She looks so much older than Carlisle. Oh, and Carlisle looks like he's just 5 years older than Edward. Dad fail. 
  • The only scene that Bella looks happy is when she gets her car. FAIL. 
  • Why is Jacob's dad in a wheelchair? Not that I'm against it, it's just really random. 
  • Jacob's hair. And his ugly-ass friends.  
  • The whole abstinence message behind it. Seriously, they only have sex after they're married! 
  • Stephenie Meyer clearly doesn't know guys. Edward Cullen was created so that girls would have way too high hopes and so that guys would be rejected.
  • Why are intensily pale people so attractive?
Basically, it's this. Not worth renting/paying the movie ticket/turning on the TV. 


André said...

baleia e trovão for ever. hahhahaha

alangolom said...

concordo com tudo q vc disse. except for the last thing... haha mas thats just because i'm intensely pale

emilie said...

HAHAHAAHAHA euri. i also agree with everything you say. just the ''negão'' delicia que eu gosto.