
I was thinking, why doesn't Hermione spend vacations with her family? 


Gian said...

Seriously, I don't think you'd spend too much time with your family if they were muggles, taking in consideration that you can conjure things out of nowhere, accio objects, levitate others, make love potions and just randomly do magical things, something strictly forbidden in their world...

Anonymous said...

realmente, acho que é porque she has much more fun, and fits in much more, into the magic world.
i guess haha
eu tambem adoraria passar christmas em hogwarts!

alangolom said...

mas still. tipo when she spends holidays with the Weasley's, she still can't do magic because she's underage and outside of Hogwarts... so there wouldn't be much of an advantage, only that she could see others doing magic, i guess.
it's weird. Even if I was muggle born, I'd like to spend the Holidays with my family

Gian said...

Yeah, but you don't know her family.