
No title

She rolled over yawning, pulling the blanket over her bare shoulders.  He was still peacefully sleeping by her side, his usual smell of cigarettes and coffee and love filling his small orange apartment. She smiled at him and lay her head against his arm and he pulled her close. Her head reeled with these small acts of love; afterall, he had been the object of her undying affection since she had decided that boys didn't really have cooties. But the thought of how this didn't make any sense still confused her already flustered head. She had forever been the little sister to him, too young to go out with them, stuck at home playing with her toys while they had been out drinking. Something had changed that past summer, when she had spent a month with him and her brother in their rickety old beach house. It was falling apart, but it was on the beach and they're weren't picky. That summer, it was like he had forgotten their ten year age difference. She was worried about her junior year, he was worrying about his job. After telling her parents she was sleeping at a friend's house, spending half an hour trying to decide where to eat, settling for eating popcorn in the parking lot, stolen kisses in the back seat of the car and then taking it back to his apartment, that summer seemed like it was ages ago. She poked his chest gently with her freckled nose. 
"Why?" she whispered, her breath tickling him. 
He sighed sleepily, half-awake and answered, "Because I love you." 


It's just been a while since I've written anything worth reading. 


Anonymous said...

love love loved it
"and they weren't picky".

André said...

Stolen kisses.