
I hate it when my Philosophy teacher talks to us like we're a bunch of little rich kids with nothing in our heads. Sure, there are people like that in my class but it's not the majority. Like today he was talking about poor people and he was like "E quando vocês vêem um mendigo andando na rua, vocês não atravessam a rua? Porque ele é pobre e vocês não querem lidar com ele? Sim, vocês fazem isso que eu sei!". He talks to us like we're all spoilt and out of touch with reality and it just really pisses me off.


Anonymous said...

Completely understand.
E também odeio.

sheep said...

tb odeio. acho TOSCO.
mas eu avoid mendigos... mas é pq eu tenho medo. I DONT KNOW WHY, THEY'RE SCARY. eles e pombas. fuck, pigeons are scary :(