
I'm on the other computer that I never use and I just found this picture and it made me start laughing. This guy with me is super lame and in this picture he has purple hair and now he has a mohawk and he's the type of guy who wears bonés to parties. It was just funny because my friend saw this picture and she was like "OMG DID YOU GUYS HOOK UP?" and I was like "uhhh ew." I do like the way I look in this picture because you can see that I'm wearing neon bracelets - which I love, though they're tacky and lame - and you can see how in that moment I was like "holy crap, my drink's blue and it's smoky!" :D Ai ai, festas de 15 anos.


Gian said...

O cara tava tipo "OMG, eu vou score essa noite. FINALLY!"

Gian said...

E vc tipo: "OLHA! OLHA! é AZUL!!!!"

Anonymous said...

ele tah com muito cara de horny.