

He sat down in his usual chair and jiggled the mouse, the screen coming to life. The cursor dragged over to Facebook. Click, click. He was in and just in time. The little squares were waiting for him. His eyes remainded attached to the screen as he did everything mechanically, harvest, plow, plant, wait. He clicked once more on the buttons and checked his watch. It was 2:33. He set his alarm to 6:33, knowing that everything would be ready by then. He might be a little late to work, but if he didn't log in before, they would all rot and he wouldn't get the coins or the medals. He needed them. He went back to bed and lay down, in his empty bed, thinking about what to plant next. This is what his life had become. 

It's a little pathetic that I just wrote a story about a Farmville addict. This is not in any way based on my life haha just on the fact that I also play Farmville :) 

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